Surrounded by sisters: the power of female connection


For the past few years, I have been surrounded by sisters—women who, like me, walk a spiritual path. It’s special and enriching, especially since I don’t have biological sisters. Of course, my adopted sister is present in my life, but that feels different. The sisters I’m talking about are spiritual soul companions. Conscious women who are not afraid to turn inward, take responsibility for their lives, and embody their strength. You encounter them here and there—magnificent women with open hearts and strong spirits.



These women inspire me every day. They show that vulnerability and strength go hand in hand. That softness holds immense power. They are courageous enough to look deeply into their own eyes through the mirror I hold up during a reading. Whether in my practice in The Hague or through online sessions worldwide, they open up—honest, raw, and pure. They dare to feel what needs to be felt and let go of what no longer serves them. This process of self-reflection and inner growth touches me every time. I feel deep respect and love for my sisters.



Together we laugh, cry, share stories, and support one another. There’s an unspoken bond, a field of recognition. I learn from them just as much as they learn from me. It’s this reciprocity that makes our connection so powerful. There is room for everything that arises: pain, joy, fear, love. It’s all welcome.


Perhaps you recognize yourself in this. Maybe you, too, long for that deep connection with other women—and with yourself. The beauty is that this connection always begins with you. With the willingness to face what lives inside you. To give yourself the space to grow, heal, and discover who you truly are.



Exercise: the sisterhood mirror
This exercise helps you deepen your connection with yourself and other women:


  • Sit quietly and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths in and out.
  • Visualize a circle of women around you. They could be women you know, from your past, or those you’ve never met. Imagine they are all there to support you.
  • Feel what it does to you to be surrounded in this way. What emotions arise? Can everything be there?
  • Ask yourself: What can I do today to strengthen this connection? It might be something small, like taking a moment of rest or having an honest conversation with a friend.
  • Thank the women in your circle and slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment.


Would you like to look even deeper into that mirror? A reading can help you gain clarity about what’s going on in your life. Sometimes we can’t see our own blind spots, and it’s helpful when someone lovingly mirrors what’s ready to be seen. During a reading, I tune into your energy, and together we explore what wants to come to light. Whether you have questions about yourself, your relationships, or your life path—you are welcome.



If you feel the desire to join a women’s circle but aren’t sure where to start, I can refer you to circles that resonate with where you are right now—both in the Netherlands and abroad. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to know more.

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